Computing is an integral part of everyday life and will play an immeasurable part in our children’s futures. At Discovery Primary School, we aim to provide our children with the skills, creativity and enthusiasm to live and thrive in a world increasingly dependent on computing.
Our aim is to ensure our pupils become digitally literate; equipping young people with the 21st century skills they will need to unlock their futures.
At Discovery, we follow the Teach Computing Programme, developed by the National Centre for Computing Education (NCCE) and funded by the Department for Education (DfE).Here, we ensure that the requirements of the National Curriculum for computing are being met. Teach Computing is underpinned by the 12 principles of computing pedagogy. Click below for further information.
Through the curriculum, the children have access to a number of different programmes that are also accessible at home (links are below).
Scratch | Busy things | Top marks | Times tables Rockstars |
My Happy Mind | Google Classroom | Accelerated Reader |
How can you support your children to use technology safely and
respectfully at home?
Whilst it is important we teach children how to be safe online in school, it is vital that as parents you also support your child at home, ensuring that they are aware of the dangers and know how to keep themselves safe.
Visit our Parent E-Safety Advice page for links and more information on this.
Alongside NCCE curriculum, we recognise that - as educators - we have a responsibility to provide young people with the tools they need to stay safe online and therefore have implemented e-safety lessons within computing as well as during PSHE lessons. Teaching children about e-safety and cyber bullying underlines our commitment to safeguarding young people, particularly on unregulated social media platforms and messaging apps
Our curriculum ensures Online Safety is embedded throughout and that pupils use technology safely and respectfully. Pupils are taught the importance of online privacy, seeking help from a trusted adult if uncertain and being considerate and respectful of others.