At Discovery, we strive to ensure that all pupils receive an engaging, rich and quality English curriculum where core reading and writing skills are embedded. We use quality, diverse multimedia approaches to support teaching of our English curriculum. Pupils develop their word reading and comprehension skills as set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework and the National Curriculum. We understand and thrive to develop a strong reading culture and our creative curriculum supports and enhances this. Within writing, children develop their handwriting, transcription, composition, vocabulary, grammar and punctuation through meaningful and engaging activities. By the end of Key Stage Two, our aim is that all pupils will be fluent, confident readers and writers who have a strong passion and love for reading and writing.
Pupils are exposed to a wide range of language during English lessons and throughout curriculum subjects to develop and broaden their own vocabulary.
At Discovery, staff ensure that they consistently model good speaking and listening skills. Adults encourage pupils to adapt the language for the given purpose and/or audience. When developing speaking and listening skills, adults sensitively correct standard English by repeating sentences back using the correct grammar and vocabulary.
We ensure that pupils who attend Discovery are given a wide range of opportunities to apply their spoken language skills in different contexts; including drama opportunities, performances and presentations.
Within all lessons, pupils are given the opportunity to develop their speaking and listening skills in a variety of ways. Collaborative learning where meaningful discussions and debates take place are promoted. Pupils are encouraged to ask and answer questions to deepen their understanding of various concepts.
The importance of quality synthetic, systematic phonics is recognised at our school. Discrete daily phonics sessions are taught in EYFS and KS1 classes. We follow Unlocking Letter and Sounds which was validated by the Department for Education in 2021. We have fidelity to this scheme. The sessions which take place are whole class and interventions which ensure that children are given the best opportunity to develop their phonics knowledge and understanding. More information can be found on our Phonics page by clicking the link below.