Our School Uniform

School uniform


  • Green sweatshirt with Discovery School logo or plain green sweatshirt.
  • White polo shirt or white shirt.
  • Dark Grey or black trousers, dark grey or black tailored shorts (summer), dark grey skirt or dark grey pinafore dress.
  • Green gingham dress.
  • Plain flat black shoes or plain black trainers (no coloured shoes, soles, laces or designs).
  • White, black or grey socks or tights.
  • Green book bag with Discovery School logo or suitable bag that is able to fit in a reading book.


Compulsory PE kit


  • Plain white, round-neck t-shirt
  • Black or navy blue shorts or jogging trousers
  • Black plimsolls or trainers





The Discovery green sweatshirts and green book bags are available to buy from the school office.


  • Sweatshirt - £11.00
  • Bookbag - £7.00
Our Nursery Uniform
  • Green sweatshirt with Discovery School logo or plain green sweatshirt.
  • Short sleeve white polo shirt.
  • Green or black jogging bottoms or leggings.
  • Black elasticated waist shorts.
  • Plain black trainers (Velcro ONLY).

To make the cost of school uniform cheaper non- branded items can be purchased from any regular retailers like supermarkets.


Pre-loved school uniform is also available from the school office.


Please contact the school if you need any further information on school uniform.