Children will continue to develop their written methods for all four calculations, moving towards the more well known compact methods. Videos to show how each calculation is taught in Year 3 and 4 are provided below. In Year 3, children work within numbers up to 1000 (3 digit numbers) and in Year4, children work within numbers up to 10,000 (4 digit numbers). In Year 3, children learn to recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8 timestables and in Year 4, children learn 6, 7, 9, 11 and 12 timetables.
Children learn to compare and order fractions and add and subtract fractions that have the same denominator. Additionally, children learn how to solve problems involving increasingly more complex fractions to calculate quantities. For example; 3/5 of 20. In Year 4, children will begin to develop their understanding of decimals; they will learn how to compare decimals up to two decimal places and round decimals with one decimal place to the nearest whole number.
Children are taught to measure and find the perimeter of a rectangle and find the area by counting the squares. Telling the time to the nearest minute is also embedded and children learn how solve problems where they have to convert between the different units of time.
Reasoning and problem solving skills are embedded within each lesson. Children are challenged to apply newly learnt concepts and their mathematical reasoning in real life problems and higher order questioning.