Applying for Reception at Discovery

Our reception open days are on the dates below, please come along where you will meet with the Head teacher and have a tour of the school.  Please fill in and submit the information below.

Apply to visit
Max length 120 characters
Max length 120 characters

The admission limit for Reception at Discovery is 90 children with 30 in each class. Children will be admitted into Reception in the September after their 4th birthday. Places are allocared by the Royal Borough of Greenwich Admissions section. Applications are completed online. The application process usually open in September with a closure date in the middle of January. More information can be found on the Royal Borough of Greenwich website by following this link


Appeal Arrangements

You have the right to appeal if your child has been refused a place at any school you have applied for. Our school follows the Royal Borough of Greenwich's appeal process. For more information on the appeal process and how to appeal, please follow this link.