At Discovery, we aim to develop physical, social and cognitive literacy to obtain the skills and knowledge in health, sport and well-being in our children now and for their future. We are passionate about PE and provide opportunities for children to lead a healthy lifestyle across curricular PE, extra-curricular physical activity, play and competitive sport.
We aim to ensure that every child has access to the full PE curriculum, which incorporates the development of physical skills, knowledge and understanding in:
· Athletics
· Dance
· Games
· Gymnastics
· Outdoor Adventurous Activities
· Swimming
We enter a range of sporting tournaments organised by the Borough, to encourage and promote not only competitive sport, but also opportunities to participate in a variety of physical activities. These include netball, basketball, football, cricket, athletics and tag rugby. Our netball and basketball teams in particular have been extremely successful and have represented Greenwich Borough at the London Youth Games on numerous occasions.
Our PE curriculum allows pupils to understand and implement the importance of a healthy lifestyle and concepts such as fair play and respect. It encourages the development of key cognitive skills such as decision-making and evaluation, and social skills such as teamwork and communication.
We offer a range of extra-curricular clubs, before and after school, which provide children with opportunities to try new sports, train and practice as part of a team. These have recently included netball, basketball, girls’ football, multi-sports, taekwondo and kickboxing. We have used our Sports Premium funding to contribute towards these experiences.